
Hola! Con este blog espero ayudarte a aprender inglés y también a no olvidar lo que ya sabes. Te recomiendo que leas desde las primeras entradas para aprender desde lo basico. También agrego videos para que practiques la pronunciación. Encontrarás ejercicios con las respuestas para autocorrección.
Espero que te resulte útil.

miércoles, 22 de junio de 2011

Exercise: For-Since

Answer the questions with :For-Since

How long has Annabel been an actress? (three months)
She´s been an actress for three months.

1-How long has she had a mobile phone? (one year)
2-How long have you known Steve?(December)
3-How long has your grandmother lived in Australia? (2005)
4-How long has that cafe been open?(three days)
5-How long have you been working in the bookshop?( 21st January)

1 comentario:

  1. Answers:

    1-She has had it for one year.
    2-I´ve known him since December.
    3-She has lived in Australia since 2005.
    4-It has been opened for three days.
    5-I´ve been working there since 21st January.
